Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dear Lily: Songwriting

Occasionally, I dabble in song lyrics, that which I will now attempt:

(Sad and slow) (Piano chrods)
One day, we'll find our names up there
People pointing to the bright lights
One day, we'll make them stop and stare
And realize what they have dreamed.

(In marvel) (Clarinet/Piano/Drums)
Isn't it new?
Isn't it marvelously, scarily appealing
To see in Times New Roman
Cambria, and Comic Sans - our names!

(whispered) (I can't even believe the fame!)

(Cue brass)
Oh, Lily, my dear
Excitement is near
Just cue in the encore
Bring in the brass --

(Back down to a softer tone)
Because one day
We'll regret we threw it all away

(Exclaimed) But hey, darling, we've got a life to live! (Cue brass back in)


  1. Ruby,
    Would you please go see the comment I left in response to yours on my guestbook? Thanks!

  2. Followed. ;) Thanks for letting me know!
